Thursday, April 4, 2013

*Sunday* Essay Packet 1

I like how the writer expresses the intimate details of the Sunday dinners. The part of this short story that really had me thinking was the beginning. It said, "White people couldn't cook; everybody knew that. Which made it a puzzle why such an important part of the civil rights movement had to do with integrating restaurants and lunch counters. The food wasn't good anyway." I think blacks just wanted to go in just because they were not allowed to eat at these restaurants and lunch counters. I don't by no means believe it was for the food either. The short story is entertaining with its details. I like how the writer gives you a visual of what a Sunday with the Colman family would be like. The structure of this story seems traditional to me. Complete sentences, and no random breaks.

Monday, February 25, 2013


I found this piece to be deep creative. I have not read many peoms that were about same sex relationships. The writer made many valid points by talking about how the family reacted and how they would probably react if the lover were to past first. Many same sex couples experience this exact thing. This poem is touching because no wants to lose the person they love, especially have to watch them die. I like this peom because in essence it is a sence of real life. Who wants to be alone? Who wants to have to face the family of the one they lost? The depth of this poem is unlike any of the other ones we have previously read in my opinion at least. I like how the lover is caught in thoughts of what he would do and say. Being left alone is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. I can't imagine having to deal with it. By it being a same sex relationship it only takes the strain of matters further because whose to say how the family will react, especially when the father has whooped the son an different occasions because of his sexual orientation. This poem speaks volumes.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fiction Excercise - Buy it, or Lie about it





Buy it, or Lie about it

“Hey, did you still need the items on your registry, because I can handle everything that’s on your list?”

That would nice, and yes I still need a few, are you sure you’re going to be able to handle everything that’s on their?

“Of course, you know I always come through!”

Lol, right! Well okay if you say you can handle it then go right ahead, thanks for everything.

“You’re welcome, I should have everything by next week, -*Thinking* should I have offered to do this?”

**Phone rings the day of the shower-“Hey, I’m just wanted you to know that I won’t be able to make, I’m having car troubles, but I will get everything to you tomorrow.”

Okay, bye. *Thinking* I knew he wasn’t going to do what he said anyway, glad I took care of it myself.

**Phone rings – interrupting thoughts- “What’s going on, I just seen Bill walking into the movies shouldn’t he on his way to party?”, that’s funny because he just told me he was having car troubles, I knew he was up to something, I’m going to call you right back!

*Text begins- I knew from the beginning you weren’t going to keep your word, but I hope you enjoy your movie!!!!


Sandy - Main Character

Bill – Untrustworthy Individual

Joyce – Thought interrupter

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Scary Cat


John’s car went BOOM and we made a sudden halt

Stuck on this dark pathway

I can’t think of anything but serial killers and scary movies

It’s 12:30am, Friday the 13th and we’re stranded GOD knows where

Not even a McDonalds in sight

We’re nervous, TREMBLING, shaking, and contemplating on what to do next

All we see is BLACK in every direction

SCRATCH, SCRATCH, SCRATCH!! What was that??? I yelled as I jumped in the back

“It’s probably just a family of geckos coming to EAT YOU!”


Loose Lips

Sitting outside of Taco Bell watching all the cars fly past

As Dan came speeding in the parking lot like he had fire on his a**

He hoped out the car screaming about a scratch on his car that looked to me as if it came from something sooooo small like rat

I burst out laughing, HAHAHAHA, you’re crying like you were attacked by a pack of animals

He looked up and walked over me, I’m steady laughing…

“You definitely won’t be laughing while you’re walking back”..

Before I could say a word, DING DONG, DING DONG flowed through the air

I laughed again, HAHAHAHAHA, and began my walk but thought to myself this is WACK

Oh, how I wish I could go back to February 9th

I still would be laughing, but I wouldn’t be walking because the car he’s driving



Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Poetry Packet!! Your driving me crazy!!

I never thought about the depths of poems or even poetry for that matter. I knew that people wrote about how they felt but I never thought about all the creative ways it could be done. Reading this poetry packet has shown me that poetry does not have a traditional form or flow. poetry is what the writer wants it to be. For example, "Dream Cycle", is short and direct but the context of the poem doesn't just show you that, you have to analyze it and pay attention to the structure and flow of the poem. Whereas "Susan Howe" poem is scattered all over the page, without many sentences, not ones that I could read completely anyway. Both poems required me to do some thinking just as the whole packet did. This packet is driving me crazy, I never thought I would have to put in this much work to write a poem let alone read one. This is going to be one heck of a ride for while we are doing poetry, so bare with me!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Plain Jane

Hey everyone,

My name is LaNaira Bowman-Caruthers. Im typically an outgoing person once you get to know me, for those that I never get a chance to interact with, you guys may find me as being shy. Im a Junior and my major is Criminal Justice. I hope to become US Marshall one day. I like to read, write, and do martial arts in my down time and chill with family and friends.